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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Casques audiophiles : 7 modèles haut de gamme au banc d’essai

Beaucoup des casques haut de gamme sortis ces derniers mois se présentent comme des modèles portables ou nomades. Il n'est plus incongru aujourd’hui de porter un très gros casque audio dans la rue. Cependant, il y peut-être des limites à ne pas dépasser et nous sommes un peu sceptiques quant au caractère réellement mobile de certains modèles. Pour la plupart des marques, le seul fait d'avoir des oreillettes closes semble justifier à lui-seul un positionnement nomade du produit. Les oreillettes closes représentent effectivement un avantage en balade. Elles permettent de filtrer les bruits ambiants. You may be interested in :Beats Dr Dre
Monster Beats By Dr Dre Studio Headphones Red
Pour des écoutes au bureau, surtout lorsque l'on est dans un open-space, pour s'isoler des bavardages des collègues, et mieux se consacrer sur son travail, c'est un élément intéressant. Pour les écoutes dans les transports en communs ou dans l’avion, , c'est même indispensable pour éviter de pousser le volume à des niveaux déraisonnables et donc se détruire l'audition. Mais, passé un certain poids (au-delà de 300 g), un casque ne peut raisonnablement prétendre à un usage nomade. Il sera trop lourd et fatigant à porter pour un utilisateur en mouvement et, la gravité étant ce qu’elle est, il aura une tendance à glisser de la tête. Soulignons aussi qu'un casque muni de grosses oreillettes circum-auriculaires tient chaud. En ce mois de février c’est un plus, mais quand on fait du sport et que l’on transpire, c’est une autre histoire…
Studio Limited Edition Color Blue Headphones Beats by Dr. Dre
Comme nous avons pu le remarquer pendant nos tests, les casques haut de gamme proposent souvent une restitution sonore particulièrement transparente, ou analytique. Cela signifie qu'ils permettent d'entendre avec beaucoup d'acuité les détails et les plus infimes informations d’un enregistrement. C'est naturellement une des qualités que l'on attend. Néanmoins, cette qualité à un revers puisqu'elle souligne aussi parfois les défauts. Par exemple, à partir d'un casque très analytique, un morceau de musique au format MP3 trop fortement compressé peut rapidement avoir un caractère acide dans l'aigu et caverneux dans les basses. L'utilisation d'un casque haut de gamme amène donc à un certain niveau d'exigence quant au choix des sources de téléchargement de musique et des formats de codage. Dans le même ordre d'idée, certains casques audiophiles peuvent être un peu difficiles à alimenter. You may be interested in :Beats Dr Dre
Studio Limited Edition Color Orange Headphones Beats by Dr. Dre
Là encore, ils mettront en valeur les qualités, mais aussi les limites, des circuits électroniques auxquels ils seront raccordés. Des bruits ou souffles parasites, un manque de consistance dans les basses, de matière dans le médium-aigu seront autant d’éléments facilement identifiables à l’oreille. La sortie casque habituelle de votre iPod, Smartphone, tablette ou ordinateur sera peut-être trop limitée pour certains d'entre eux et il sera alors préférable d'utiliser une carte son, un convertisseur ou un ampli casque externe plus performant. On trouve des produits de ce type, destinés à un usage nomade ou sédentaire, à moins de 75 € chez des marques comme Fiio par exemple.You may be interested in :Beats Dr Dre
Studio Limited Edition Color Green Headphones Beats by Dr. Dre
Nous n'avons retenu que les meilleurs casques audiophiles et tous les modèles que nous avons eus en test offrent des performances de très haut niveau. La différence de qualité par rapport à des produits vendus en dessous de 100 est flagrante à l'écoute. Que ce soit en termes d'étendue de la bande passante, de tenue en puissance, de précision des timbres, de définition globale, ou encore de propreté du grave, les casques haut de gamme que nous avons retenus pour ce comparatif sont tous capables de prouesses sonores exceptionnelles.
Read more:Beats Dr Dre

Análise TeK: HTC Sensation XL

Chama-se HTC Sensation XL e é a grande aposta do portefólio da fabricante taiwanesa em matéria de smartphones criados para cumprir todas as exigências dos utilizadores em matéria de conteúdos multimédia. E, tanto quanto pudemos avaliar, cumpre os seus objetivos.You may be interested in :Beats Dr Dre
Monster Beats Chrome Limited Edition Headphones
Para isso vem apetrechado com características que fazem jus ao nome, na medida em que estamos perante um equipamento onde quase tudo é em grande. Ressalva feita, por exemplo, à espessura, que não vai além dos 9,9 milímetros, como convém.
Monster Beats By Dr Dre Studio Transformers
Ainda assim, trata-se de um telefone grande, caso pense transportá-lo, por exemplo, num bolso. Recorde-se que estamos perante um equipamento com um ecrã de 4,7 polegadas e, portanto, um dos maiores atualmente num mercado feito de referências como o iPhone (3,5 polegadas) ou o Galaxy S II (4,3 polegadas).
Studio Limited Edition Color Silver Headphones Beats by Dr. Dre
Grandes são também as promessas ao nível do desempenho em matéria de som, com a HTC a colocar particular enfase na parceria levada a cabo com a marca Beats By Dr Dre, que levou não só à integração de um sistema otimizado para o modelo, mas também à sua comercialização em conjunto com uns auriculares que prometem ajudar a tirar maior partido das potencialidades.
Monster Beats by Dr.Dre Studio Boston Red Sox
Há duas edições diferentes do telefone, uma com uns impressionantes auscultadores de generosas dimensões e outra, acompanhada de uns mais discretos, ainda assim bastante confortáveis e que desempenharam a sua função na perfeição.
Monster Beats Justbeats Studio Purple Signature Edition
A acompanhar as pretensões a rádio e leitor de MP3 portátil vem uma aplicação dedicada, a fazer lembrar o iTunes da Apple, que permite a criação de listas de reprodução e o acesso aos temas da biblioteca pessoal do utilizador ou de servidores de ficheiros multimédia.You may be interested in :Beats Dr Dre
Monster Beats Pro Over-the-Ear Headphones White By Dr Dre
Também ao vídeo é dedicada uma aplicação que já conhecíamos de outros modelos, o Watch, mas que aqui beneficia do desempenho de um processador de 1,5 GHz conforto proporcionado pela luminosidade e dimensões do ecrã.
Monster-Heartbeats By Lady Gaga In-Ear Headphones-Bright Chrome
Para além do tamanho, o visor impressiona pela vivacidade das cores e resposta ao toque, duas características que ajudam a tirar partido e tornar ainda mais prazerosa a experiência de utilização do HTC Sense, o interface personalizado de que a marca dota os seus dispositivos Android.
Monster iBeats Headphones with ControlTalk Black
Neste caso, a versão do sistema operativo da Google incluída é a 2.3.5, ou Gingerbread, que embora não seja a mais recente (4.0 ou Ice Cream Sandwich) se apresenta como suficientemente madura. O destaque vai, porém, neste campo para o trabalho feito pela HTC, uma das marcas que mais manipula a seu gosto o interface dos smartphones Android que produz.
Monster iBeats Headphones with ControlTalk Chrome
Os sete ecrãs principais podem ser personalizados pelo utilizador com ícones para aplicações ou widgets, sendo o telefone fornecido com uma configuração que inclui um ecrã central com espaço para um widget dedicado às condições meteorológicas e algumas apps.
Monster iBeats Headphones with ControlTalk White
Por baixo dos ícones fica uma barra em semicírculo que indica em qual dos sete ecrãs principais nos encontramos e oferece ligação para o menu com todas as aplicações, para a dedicada a fazer chamadas e para uma área de personalização. Se fizer zoom com dois dedos sobre o ecrã (pinch to zoom), é-lhe ainda apresentada uma imagem das sete janelas em dimensões reduzidas, permitindo trocar entre elas.You may be interested in :Beats Dr Dre
Monster Beats Studio Lightning Headphones
Puxando a habitual barra de notificações do Android, no topo do ecrã temos, para além dos habituais avisos, acesso a um histórico das últimas aplicações usadas e a um menu de "definições rápidas", para ativar as ligações de dados ou Wi-Fi, por exemplo, e ficar a saber qual o espaço ocupado na memória do telefone.
Monster Beats Studio Camo Green Headphones
Neste terminal, mesmo os quatro botões para voltar ao ecrã inicial, ativar menus e opções, retroceder ou iniciar uma pesquisa, muitas vezes com teclas palpáveis, são aqui substituídos por zonas sensíveis ao toque já fora do ecrã mas que não passam de desenhos na sua moldura. Teclas físicas só fora do ecrã (uma para o volume e outra para ligar e desligar o smartphone).
Outra das imagens de marca do interface da HTC é o anel que aparece quando o telefone se encontra bloqueado. Ainda que, numa primeira abordagem, este possa parecer pouco intuitivo, a verdade é que se torna bastante prático.

Para desbloquear o telefone deve deslizar-se o anel para cima (ou para o lado), mas a principal vantagem reside nos casos em que se tenha, por exemplo, uma mensagem ou chamada não atendida, bastando arrastar o ícone referente à dita para dentro do anel, o que desencadeia sem mais a execução dessa funcionalidade. Sobre o anel encontra-se também uma espécie de barra com ligação para quatro das aplicações geralmente mais usadas, que também podem ser arrastadas para dentro do anel para desbloquear o equipamento iniciando a aplicação em causa.

Particularmente interessantes são mais duas aplicações próprias da marca, uma destinada a tomar notas, em texto ou voz, apropriadamente designada Notas, e o Reader, para leitura de ebooks. Esta última oferece uma experiência de utilização agradável, sendo notório o cuidado em detalhes como a forma como são folheadas as páginas - mesmo tendo em conta as limitações de um smartphone, que não pode competir com um leitor dedicado. Ainda assim, é possível recorrer a marcadores de páginas, adaptar o tamanho de letras às necessidades do utilizador e partilhar a leitura nas redes sociais, por emails ou acrescentá-la às Notas.You may be interested in :Beats Dr Dre

O interface compreende ainda o acesso ao HTC Hub, uma ferramenta reservada a clientes da fabricante que permite descarregar para o telefone a novas aplicações e widgets da marca, aceder remotamente ao telefone e partilhar coisas com outros utilizadores.

Também personalizado é o interface da câmara, que traz, por exemplo, um menu para acrescentar efeitos às fotografias enquanto estas são captadas. O que mais impressiona será porém a resolução de 8 megapixéis e lente grande angular (28 mm) com abertura F2.2 e duplo flash LED. O dispositivo permite também gravar vídeos HD (720p) e conta ainda com uma segunda câmara, frontal, de 1.3 megapixéis.

Uma experiência de utilização regular do smartphone, onde este acumulou diariamente as funções leitor de música, telefone (para chamadas e enviar mensagens), câmara fotográfica, dispositivo para navegar na Internet e consola de jogos, revelou um equipamento confortável e fiável, mesmo ao nível da bateria - que poderia ter-se revelado um ponto fraco num dispositivo com um ecrã destas dimensões. Claro que tudo depende de quão intensivo seja o uso dado ao telefone, mas um carregamento de dois em dois dias revelou-se suficiente na maioria das vezes. Nas contas da HTC a autonomia em redes GSM é suficiente para até 710 minutos (cerca de 14 horas) em conversação e até 360 horas em inatividade.

Com um peso a rondar os 160 gramas, e disponível apenas em branco, o HTC Sensation XL é comercializado em Portugal, livre de operador, a preços que oscilam entre os 515 euros, na Pixmania, e os 680 euros, na Fnac. Read more:Beats Dr Dre

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Monster Headphones Make You Convenience use Music Player

ControlTalk remote device with microphone, answer the device. ControlTalk cable remote control and mic support iPodnano4 / 5 on account of, iPodclassic120GB, iPod touch2 generation and iPhone3GS and update models and some Black Berry models. Read more:Beats By Dre Headphones
Monster Studio Spiderman Diamond Headphone By Dr Dre
Remote assistance iPodshuffle3 generationBeatsSoloHD will be held in early February 2010 for the suggested retail associated with $ 22995, akin to regarding 1570 yuan. Models having a black, white, red-colored and other three shades models. The red-colored version is Product Red a good cause edition. Each sold a BeatsSoloHD red-colored version, the sales income of $ 5 will be make donation to ProductRed agencies, to help African ladies and children along with AIDS.
Monster Beats by Dr.Dre Studio Red Limited Edition
Monster (Monster), also known as Monster, wire (Monster Cable) could be the world's 1st audio-visual equipment for connecting the introduction of high-energy brand, the company by the Chines e-American Lee St. (Mr.Noel Lee) started within 1979, Mr.. Prior to this, even though audio products have been a higher fidelity, high quality is quite great long-playing record player, Hi-end level of the amplifier, plus a considerable reduction from the perfect high-fidelity songs speaker, but it is the connection of these devices collection knew nothing, using ordinary wire in order to transfer high-fidelity signal.
Monster Beats by Dr.Dre Studio Red Limited Edition
Edit this particular paragraph EvaluateQuality from the doSome time ago, magic sound documenting engineer, Solo and other headset heavy "quality gates", because of material failure resulted in the first ray prone to fracture headphones. The trustworthiness of the event towards the magic cast the shadow over headphones. Although the "quality" has slowly in the past, but the quality problems exist for consumers, just how long who are not sure, HTC will not therefore be suggested as a factor?
Monster Beats by Dr.Dre Studio Boston Red Sox
Products in the future ought to be extremely carefully before.
Separated by a wall with all the Hi-FiIn addition, the particular headset has hit the wonder sound dre headsets of young style brand, but the high quality is the basic and conventional high-fidelity (Hi-Fi) other. Hi-Fi within the major forum for that magic sound headphones sound criticism never stopped. H may be able to match the head from the low-frequency Hip-Hop listener's heart, but lost the "Hi-Fi" the actual core -- high-fidelity restore.
Monster Beats Studio Lamborghini Limited Edition-Yellow
Music Electronics Ways to get reduce "quality" because the argument to M & To, Bose cooperation along with automobile manufacturers, as won the hearts of Edit this particular paragraphAbout the founder Lee St Lee San (MrNoel Lee) researched in the Mr America 's prestigious California Company of Technology in electrical engineering, I love music, love having fun with audio products. In practice, he found a different wire to connect the audio equipment will have a different sound, with good conductivity coefficient plus a certain way of manufacturing from the wire will be excellent transmission performance, thus cre
Monster Studio Champagne Beats By Dr Dre
Aug 11 News: HTC offers announced plans to buy 300 million bucks a headset manufacturers Music Electronics 51% stake, and HTC CEO Peter Noir also the matter described.Said Peter Chou: HTC plans along with Beats Electronics in audio experience to the many HTC phones raise the quality associated with music, intended to give consumers a better audio experience.Beats Electronics is really a hip-hop artist by the Dr Dre, Interscope Records and leader Jimi Yi Owen (Jimmy Iovine), the joint venture establishment. Interscope is section of Vivendi's Universal Wedding ring.
Monster Beats Pro Headphones Red White By Dr Dre
Beats NBA gamers to fly all seasons round, so the plane includes a noise reduction headphones can be quite important, such as Dwight Howard's The particular Monster Beats headphones. This is the Us Monsterter recently produced the ultimate high definition listening experience along with headphones, there is a Grammy winner Dre. And the magic sound from the audio team collectively developed. In fact, watch TV you have, then, will find that neither the united states or entertainment celebrity sports activities stars, most hung around their neck having a headset, this is exactly what you must not lose sight of the Dre headsets.
Beats by Dr. Dre Tour with ControlTalk Purple High Performance
From Kobe, Phelps, fully U.S. basketball dream team, both on the headset insane obsession.Beats popular headphones brand leader endorsement within sales last year through Dr Dre long red, frequently pushing the star is regarded as a single product shock wave of headphones, along with price spikes, but they build a sense of expert audio-visual preferences of everybody respected both the Department of had been. 2010 Open became a member of PRODUCT (RED) a good cause front, and T Diddy invited in order to LadyGaga collaborative style. Introduced two brand new headsets offer choices had been priced at dollar 179USD ear style, dollar 229USD total audio style.onsumer Electronics Display in CES2010, Beats by Dr Dre announced a brand new headset BeatsSoloHD, BeatsSpin and new ear canal DiddyBeats. BeatsbyDrDre audio cable operators are prominent American Hip-Hop Monster bowl godfather DrDre headphones launched the brand. After hour launch of headphones Studio, ear ear canal

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The iPod has elicited a particular movement in the consumer electronics sector countless corporations obtainable in a rush to manufacture accessories with all the tiny gadget that allows one to take songs together with you wherever you decide to go. Loudspeakers plus earbuds were being the main decisions as ipod device components to get technologies businesses. The next thing enormous is suitable for the earphones to permit far more mobility to move.To give users with the best in simple aspect and performance when utilized with modern portable electro-rock products.You may be interested in :Beats By Dre Headphones
Studio Beats by Dr. Dre Montreal Canadians Black
Music Solo headphones function "Control Speak," a professional on-cable element that supplies users together with full handle of their hearing encounter when employing their particular 3GS iPhone, ipod device shuffle along with other brand new iPods and portable music systems. The exclusive Monster Control Speak headphone cable connection capabilities an indoor high quality mic as well as answer control and enables users gain access to their particular electro-rock and cure phone calls with out finding to reach for their pocketbook, backpack or even pants pocket.
Beats Studio by Dr. Dre New England Patriots Black
Monster headphones cheap Beats By Dr Dre Studio is a high-quality headphone that is released by Great. The most obvious feature is the headphone is actually developed by DrDre that won the Grammy Accolades and Monster audio specialist group. With innovative loudspeaker design and run isolation technology, Beats may utilize the power and also energy in a much better way and make more improvement on low frequency energy.
Monster Beats by Dr.Dre Studio Orange Diamond Limited Edition
We lately found a normal friend jogging across the road donning monster beats by Dr Dre studio headset, therefore I urge should certainly be asked her how they seemed. She had been every single welcoming to let me get fast hearken to her casque sounds detoxto say I got satisfied could be very the sounds Meanwhile, Beats can provide 110dB flexibleness to show almost every part of Rock, Hip Warm and R&B which often demand stringently in sound velocity.
Monster Beats Studio Ferrari Diamond By Dr Dre
Moreover, engineered ear cups make consumers feel much more comfortable and provide aural privacy too. The ultra-soft breathable soft cushions can keep you cool while experiencing the songs reducing perspiration.Rap, Rock and also Metal are the three most popular elements in America, of which the particular tone requirements on headphones are very similar. Thus, all of us usually classify some American brand headphone tone to "American Sound" and Studio is also a kind of headphones full of Native American by doctor dre Type of monster beats headphones - monster beats headphones are available in several varieties based on its flair and also gratifaction. One kind is Stereo monster beats headphones that produce louder sound for home amusement. Yet another type is wireless monster headphone that you could utilize anyplace minus the tangling wire attached to it. It's very widely used by people who are exercising or even playing sports activities.
Monster Beats Manchester United Headphone
About Sound Combining extra-large speaker drivers as well as a high-power electronic amplifier, beats pro top-end headphones provide super-deep bass, smooth undistorted highs, and clear vocals.Less Noise, Much more Music Monster's powered remoteness technology actively cuts external noise, so you experience all the rich information your favorite artists want you to listen to. Extreme Comfort Spacious earcups give you extra room for a higher level of listening beats simply by dr dre Within 2008, Monster Provider and also Grammy Awards winner Dr Dre and Great laudio professional group too together developed the very first large headphones Studio, which swept across the globe quickly. Grasping chance and also creating persistent efforts, Great Corporation released yet another two headphones --- Tour and also TurbineSuch as Surpasses By yourself High-definition, Monster Beats by Dr Dre Logis requires classic nasa and brown as the color scheme, offering the amazing visual achieve. Inside our stage, this evaluation coloring structure is stuffed with "Visual Impact", as surprising because acoustic on the Great.

Monster headphone cable building for well balanced

Brief IntroductionGreat seem doesn't come to pass without the need of incredible cable. remarkable Quadripole 4 twisted set building minimizes signal burning up for completely well balanced seem and serious clarity. severe Ease and comfort really feel the sound files with Enormous beats, not the earphones. Plush ear soft cushions covered with ultra-soft breathable components preserve you cool, even all through marathon hearing sessions.
Studio Limited Edition Color Silver Headphones Beats by Dr. Dre
Mini Minijack Studio's headphone cable television capabilities a concise connector design which minimizes bulk and helps in reducing unnecessary strain that could harm headphone connectors and slots. Scratch-Resistant Gloss complete remarkable components make Surpasses by dr dre differentiate themselves from the audience. along with the hard, scratch-resistant complete keeps them searching good, even with weighty use. ready for iPhone, Blackberry, and also audio tracks mobile phones Folding design and also Touring situation Studios' three-way folding design produces packing up for storage space an easy task.
Studio Limited Edition Color Green Headphones Beats by Dr. Dre
Plus, the particular involved touring circumstance abilities rugged building for enhanced safeguard of your monster beats studio yellow-colored headphones.1.Advanced driver design for precise sound files clarity; a lot more huge speaker individuals for awesome strong bass2.Monster headphone cable television with Quadripole twisted pair building for well balanced seem and also clarity3.Powered isolation techniques actively cuts outside noise4.Spacious earcups with plush, breathable cushions for ultimate hearing comfort5.Included iSonitalk cable television with solution essential and mic lets you consider calls with iPhone or other sound files phonesFeaturesAll About seem Combining extra-large speaker individuals jointly with a high-power electronic amplifier, tones expert high-performance headphones offer super-deep bass, smooth undistorted highs, and ravenscroft crystal apparent vocals.
Studio Beats by Dr Dre Chicago White Sox Pink
Less Noise, a total whole lot a lot more audio tracks Monster's driven isolation systems actively lowers exterior noise, this means you knowledge every one of the plentiful particulars your wanted artists want one to know. severe Ease and comfort Spacious earcups offer you a lot more space for virtually any increased level of hearing ease and comfort. Plush ear soft cushions covered with ultra-soft breathable components preserve you awesome even when the music's hot Ready for iPhone Beats arrives using a Monster iSoniTalk headphone cable tv with built-in solution key and microphone in order to just solution calls even although hearing to songs. produced for Apple company seem think about the seem take a look at attribute in iTunes balances playback ranges so all of your sound files tracks hold out at a regular volume.Beats electronic exorbitance assures you can listen to every solitary notice. Wired with Enormous cable tv remarkable monster beats tv headphone cable television with Quadripole4 twisted pair building minimizes sign burning for well balanced seem and also clarity.
Monster Beats by Dr.Dre Studio White High Definition
Additional capabilities created using a scratch-resistant high gloss finish, the foldable tones solo by dr earphones also provide a concise minijack connector to cut back bulk and also an integrated mute key. produced in collaboration between legendary sound files producer and designer Dr. Dre, engineers from Monster Cable, and famous commercial personalized Robert Brunner, the particular Bpink dre headphones possess a effective producer's understanding to audio tracks supporters everywhere.All About SoundCombining extra-large speaker individuals jointly with a high-power electronic amp.
Monster Beats Justbeats Studio Purple Signature Edition
Dr. dre headsets earphones offer super-deep bass, smooth undistorted highs, and ravenscroft crystal apparent vocals.Less Noise, a total whole lot a lot more Music Monster's powered isolation techniques actively cuts outside noise, this means you knowledge every one of the plentiful particulars your wanted artists want one to hearExtreme ComfortSpacious earcups offer you a lot more space for virtually any increased level of hearing ease and comfort. Plush ear soft cushions covered with ultra-soft breathable components preserve you awesome even when the music's hotReady for iPhoneBeats arrives using a Monster iSoniTalk headphone cable tv with built-in solution key and microphone in order to just solution calls even although hearing to musicDesigned for Apple seem CheckThe seem take a look at attribute in iTunes balances playback ranges so all of your sound files tracks hold out at a regular volume.
Monster Beats Pro Over-the-Ear Headphones White By Dr Dre
Beats digital amplification assures you are able to listen to every solitary note.Wired with Enormous CableAdvanced Enormous cable television headphone cable television with Quadripole 4 twisted pair building reduces signal burning for well balanced seem and also clarity.Additional FeaturesMade using a scratch-resistant gloss complete the foldable Beats by monster studio headphones in addition provide a concise minijack connector to cut back bulk and also an integrated mute key.

Monster Design Headphone

Individuals arent hearing all the music. Performers and producers work hard in the studio room perfecting their audio. But people cant really hear it along with normal headphones. Many headphones cant handle the particular bass, the detail, the particular dynamics. Bottom part line, the music doesnt move you. With Beats, people are going to hear the actual artists hear, and listen to the music the way they should: the way in which I do."- Dr Dre
Monster Graffiti Limited Edition Headphone Red
Monster style in a professional-grade studio room headphone Three years of thorough research and development resulted in the most amazing headphone speaker ever constructed. Beats features extremely advanced materials and design to deliver a brand new level of sound accuracy and clearness. Combining extra-large loudspeaker drivers along with a high-power digital amplifier, Beats delivers a great unprecedented combination of super deep bass, sleek undistorted highs, and really clear vocals never heard before from headsets.
Less Noise, More Music With Powered Solitude.
Monster Beats By Dr Dre Studio Nate Robinson(Apple Green)
Todays digital audio recording technology provides music more detail than in the past. Unfortunately, the main points get easily lost in todays loud world: on the street, on the bus, on the plane. The very best listening experience isnt just about what you hear, but what you do not. Monsters powered remoteness technology actively cuts external noise, so you experience all the rich specifics your favorite artists need you to hear.
Intense Comfort is Music to Your Head
Studio Limited Edition Color Blue Headphones Beats by Dr. Dre
With Beats, you feel the particular music, not the headsets. Spacious earcups provide you with extra room for the higher level of listening convenience. Plush ear cushions covered with ultra-soft to be able to materials keep you great even when the particular musics sizzling.
Studio Limited Edition Color Orange Headphones Beats by Dr. Dre
Wired with Monster Cable Advanced Colossal Cable headphone cable along with Quadripole 4 twisted pair construction reduces signal reduction for balanced sound and clearness.
Small Minijack Compact connector style reduces bulk and helps reduce unnecessary strain that may damage headphone fittings and ports. Push To Listen Integrated silence button lets you listen to the without eliminating your Instrumentals.

Folding Style Beats fold in to a compact shape intended for easy packing wherever youre going.
Vacationing Case Rugged case along with rigid construction keeps Instrumentals and accessories safe throughout transport.
Colossal CleanCloth Ultra-soft cleaning cloth with AEGIS microbe shield keeps Beats each and every and controls bacteria on your ear cushions.
Scratch-Resistant High gloss Finish Advanced materials create Beats differentiate themselves from the particular crowd, and keep all of them each and every.
Read more:Beats Dr Dre

Monday, February 20, 2012

Monster Studio James Red brings your bass back

Red Monster Studio James, color of passion brings his bass
Although the functions of the town depends very much on how you can show the details of the music. On the subject of Monster Beats, they do a good job in this area. On the other hand, it pleases as its consumers with fashionable outlook. Now back to the point, and evaluate the performance of chromium from Monster Studio. The exterior or Interior, live in my personal expectations.
Studio Beats by Dr. Dre 

Montreal Canadians Black
Their stripes with respect are generally much of that on the truly worthy of its amount. I have to disclose that she must be a little exaggerated. However, I think reasonable good audio quality, reliable developed, very good hot design and style. Where you want to for a new edition of how love, sorry, can't find that it comes with the price tag. Point emanates from this small number of huge amplifiers equipped with head monster Studio Lamborghini cups. There are motivated by two batteries.
Studio Beats by Dr. Dre 

New Orleans Saints Black
At this point is that it is not the perfect time to communicate something about the good red available in Monster study facilities James. Attributes of completely new helmet usually accompany this irritation in new skills, such as the first time that people have on shoes and boots. Power amplifiers by power only in conjunction with headphones inside positioned should created excellent meals have an impact on the effectiveness of the listener.
Studio Beats by Dr. 

Dre New York Yankees Green
My business is simply happy to consider that most of the external surfaces of plastic parts of things however carefully hidden of type not necessarily with the terrible can, in a season. It was simply an opportunity that you have that you can give a solution is generally realistic, plastic probably not is easily broken. What we exactly know is generally notable stands out as almost all significantly this remarkable microphone.? Type of plastic tips may very well be stable or Monster Studio Lamborghini.
Beats Studio by Dr. 

Dre New England Patriots Black
It is interesting for me to convey something about this link with the use of a minor. In case that, no doubt, are his main supporter involving the Diamond Monster study, the feeling is simply interesting in all aspects, perhaps preguntados pas as a tale of incomprehensible high.

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In the event that another person can say using all demonstrations about monster Studio red James, this detail are classified as the selling price. Imagine the single measurement technique, it is true that you are available quickly concluded too high price. Although messages with a different technique, the value is reasonably realistic. Don't get confused about this election. White or red, there must be one of the types.

More young men die in accidents related to the hull

When two Canadian teenagers were beaten and killed by trains in opposite ends of the

country this week, the similarities between the two tragedies is instantly appealing.
In Alberta, 19, Daniel McPherson was walking near railroad tracks south of Edmonton on

the afternoon of Wednesday, when he was hit by a train. McPherson had an iPod with

headphones headphones, Alberta RCMP said.
Two hours before, 16, Jacob Hicks had been beaten by a train in broad daylight, in

Oshawa, Ontario. Hicks also wore a helmet when he was beaten.
But as tragic as the similarities between the two are dead, incidents illustrate what is
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becoming a growing problem, especially among young people.
A new U.S. study, the number of fatalities involving pedestrians wearing headphones has

increased dramatically in the last seven years.
The most striking statistical research between 2004 and 2011, the number of deaths

related to the hull of pedestrian accidents increased by three times the U.S.
In 2004, 16 cases were reported in the U.S., but by 2011 that number was 47.
Although statistics are not available in Canada, taking into account comparable sales

personal audio devices and smartphones from both countries, the statistics might be

Led by Dr. Richard Lichtenstein, the American study found that the vast majority of

deaths of young boys helmet: 68 percent of victims were men and 67 percent were under

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Lichtenstein, a professor of pediatrics at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, said

in a telephone interview this week decided to launch the study after reading

about the death of a teenager killed at a crossing.
Press reports at the time said the teens was wearing a helmet and did not return to the

station calls warning.
While auditory deprivation is a major problem, there is more to it than just his, said

"It's probably easier to walk and chew gum, but if you focus on your music, you can not

pay attention to traffic around," said Lichtenstein.
In fact, about 55 percent of the total number of pedestrian deaths headset linked to the

study of the trains involved, and a wake up call sounded at 30 percent of fatal accidents.
In search of Lichtenstein, who wrote about a phenomenon called "inattention blindness"

which occurs when multiple sources of stimulation drain the brain's ability to allocate their

limited resources.
The study deliberately left out of accidents involving cell phone use and text messaging, he

said, but noted that both areas have undergone no doubt, because "we know that people

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can use smart phones have a headset in place. "
"Clearly, struck a chord," he said of his research. "I think it's really something that people

recognize as a problem."
How to fight a growing problem?
But the problem may get worse before it gets better, especially since the evolution of style

In recent years, consumer tastes have changed the high quality headphones, including

large ears that cover models like those developed by hip hop producer Dr. Dre.
This change is illustrated by its Beats by Dr. Dre brand, which accounted for 42 percent of

U.S. $ 1.2 billion in sales last year quarter. Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber also launch some

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brands of similar firms.
This is something that Wei Celina registered audiologist has witnessed first hand their work

in a clinic in Edmonton.
But Wei, who works at the Center for Ery hearing, said the style of the headset itself can

not be the true source of security concern.
"Many of the new style headphones are made to reduce ambient noise, so the person

does not turn on the music so loud," he said.
"I do not think it is both the helmet, but the volume in which they take their music. If

strong enough to not hear anything with the environment at all, especially horns and

sirens, then it is too difficult. "
In response, some jurisdictions have come to control the use of headphones in public.
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In Quebec, it is illegal to spend with headphones on, with fines for offenses.
U.S., Delaware, California, Maryland, have similar laws that indicate that cyclists should

always have one ear uncovered while driving.
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But when asked about solutions, researcher Lichtenstein said the drafting of new laws may

not have the desired effect as it would be "heavy" to be applied.
"Education and awareness are actually one of my main goals," he said.
But as society becomes increasingly attached to gadgets like the iPhone, Lichtenstein said

the consequences can be serious.
"At best, when you wear a helmet, it is difficult to keep the conversation, in the worst case,

we can not hear the warnings and the risk of being hit by a train."